论述至此,本人认为还需要给流行音乐补充两个细节上的说明:一,在快节奏的现代社会,任何事物更新速度都非常快,而流行音乐正是体现生活的门户,在更新换代上,从来都是时代先锋,即使作品留得下来,那也是“反刍”而不会是连续性的。二,流行音乐在大众观念中相当于一种歌曲类型,这是一种狭义的概括,却有强有力的根据,这就是外来词“pop music”成词的源流:The term "pop song" is first recorded as being used in 1926 in the sense of a piece of music "having popular appeal".[1] Starting in the 1950s the term "pop music" has been used to describe a distinct genre, aimed at a youth market, often characterized as a softer alternative to rock and roll.[2][3] In the aftermath of the British Invasion, from about 1967, it was increasingly used in opposition to the term rock music, to describe a form that was more commercial, ephemeral and accessible.[4] Although pop music is often seen as oriented towards the singles charts, as a genre it is not the sum of all chart music, which have always contained songs from a variety of sources, including classical, jazz, rock, and novelty songs, while pop music as a genre is usually seen as existing and developing separately(自维基百科)
若据此,本人在定义界定上的大部分困难均解除。可惜,对于同样翻译为“流行音乐”的这个外来词,在发源国有着两种不同的指代:“pop music ”是“popular music”的减缩形式,在群内语境中指具体的音乐类型,而“popular music”则是较宽泛的概念,并且一直处于发展状态:Popular music belongs to any of a number of musical genres, and stands in contrast to art music,[1][2] and traditional music which was disseminated orally.[2][3] Although popular music sometimes is known as "pop music", the term pop music usually refers to a specific musical genre.(自维基百科)
这样,我们大概可以看到定义的众说纷纭的症结所在了。并且,上述外文定义中同时可以为我们解决另外一个疑惑:and traditional music which was disseminated orally.根据简单逻辑,我们是否能推断:经商业运作的原生态民歌专辑,经过包装过的民歌手,应一时之风的情况,也可以被纳入流行音乐的范畴呢。