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<P align=center><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FILTER: shadow(color=apar); WIDTH: 50.71%; COLOR: #e61ae6; LINE-HEIGHT: 220%; HEIGHT: 948px" face=宋体 size=6>天籁美声--Whiter Shade Of Pale<BR><BR>
<P align=center>Whiter Shade Of Pale<BR>Sarah Brightman <BR>We skipped the light fandango<BR>And turned cartwheels across the floor<BR>I was feeling kind of seasick<BR>But the crowd called out for more<BR>The room was humming harder<BR>As the ceiling flew away<BR>When we called out for another drink<BR>The waiter brought a tray<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR>She said "There is no reason,<BR>And the truth is plain to see"<BR>But I wandered through my playing cards<BR>And would not let her be<BR>One of sixteen vestal virgins<BR>Who were leaving for the coast<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR><BR></P><BR>
<P align=center>Whiter Shade Of Pale<BR>Sarah Brightman <BR>We skipped the light fandango<BR>And turned cartwheels across the floor<BR>I was feeling kind of seasick<BR>But the crowd called out for more<BR>The room was humming harder<BR>As the ceiling flew away<BR>When we called out for another drink<BR>The waiter brought a tray<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR>She said "There is no reason,<BR>And the truth is plain to see"<BR>But I wandered through my playing cards<BR>And would not let her be<BR>One of sixteen vestal virgins<BR>Who were leaving for the coast<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR><BR></P><BR>
<P align=center>Whiter Shade Of Pale<BR>Sarah Brightman <BR>We skipped the light fandango<BR>And turned cartwheels across the floor<BR>I was feeling kind of seasick<BR>But the crowd called out for more<BR>The room was humming harder<BR>As the ceiling flew away<BR>When we called out for another drink<BR>The waiter brought a tray<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR>She said "There is no reason,<BR>And the truth is plain to see"<BR>But I wandered through my playing cards<BR>And would not let her be<BR>One of sixteen vestal virgins<BR>Who were leaving for the coast<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR><BR></P><BR>
<P align=center>Whiter Shade Of Pale<BR>Sarah Brightman <BR>We skipped the light fandango<BR>And turned cartwheels across the floor<BR>I was feeling kind of seasick<BR>But the crowd called out for more<BR>The room was humming harder<BR>As the ceiling flew away<BR>When we called out for another drink<BR>The waiter brought a tray<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR>She said "There is no reason,<BR>And the truth is plain to see"<BR>But I wandered through my playing cards<BR>And would not let her be<BR>One of sixteen vestal virgins<BR>Who were leaving for the coast<BR>And so it was that later<BR>As the miller told his tale<BR>That her face at first just ghostly<BR>Turned a whiter shade of pale<BR><BR></P><BR>
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