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[分享] 万里长城万里长

发表于 2005-11-23 13:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<DIV style="FILTER: progidXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(color=#cc8888,strength=10); LEFT: -150px; WIDTH: 980px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 150px; HEIGHT: 700px; align: center"><?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:SEQ repeatCount = "indefinite"><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/008.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "barWipe" dur = "2"><!-- type="barwipe" 是从左到右拉开的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/009.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "fade" dur = "2"><!-- type="fade" 是渐显渐隐效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/010.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "ClockWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="clockwipe" 是像钟表一样旋转出现的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/011.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "barnDoorWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="barndoorwipe" 是从中间向两边拉开的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/012.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "slideWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="slideWipe" 是右往左边拉开的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/013.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "irisWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="iriswipe" 是正中间矩形窗口逐渐扩大的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = " http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/021.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "snakeWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="snakewipe" 是蛇形效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/015.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "ellipseWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="ellipsewipe" 是正中小圆向外扩散的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/016.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "spiralWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="spiralwipe" 是螺旋显示效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA><t:MEDIA style="FILTER: alpha; LEFT: 30px; WIDTH: 800px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 600px" src = "http://www.6778.com/02tk/cc/images/017.jpg" dur = "3" fill = "transition" timeContainer = "par"><t:TRANSITIONFILTER from = "0" to = "1" type = "pushWipe" dur = "2"><!--type="pushWipe" 是右往左边拖动的效果--></t:TRANSITIONFILTER></t:MEDIA></t:SEQ></DIV>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-23 13:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-11-23 16:02 | 只看该作者
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