是什么样的疼演变成了生命不能承受的重?是在台北街道上捡到被遗弃的小猫还是在巴黎地铁上因为制止小偷扒窃而招致推打、被吐口水在脸上,每当我戴上耳机,一闭上眼仿佛就能看见素面朝天的陈绮贞伫立于熙来攘往的街头,一脸的茫然与无助,就如一只被遗弃的小猫般孱弱的看着人世间的繁忙与拥挤却兀自悲伤着自己的弱小;又或者是在巴黎的车站,不同肤色的芸芸众生兀自喧嚣着他们的语言,而我们的陈绮贞却一脸淡定的伫立于繁忙而拥挤的人流中,坚定的哼着歌曲:“Give a hand to anyone …Anyone, anyone……”清脆的吉它和弦是她舞蹈人间的轻盈步伐,坚强而无畏地述说着一个关于生命、关于爱与恐惧的故事。
I had a cat
Something pretty
Something small
Something naive
Won't tell you lie
Won't ask you why
I'd love my cat
Something really
Something bigger
Something guilty
It takes your time
It takes your trust
So easy
I saw a cat
Without the social life
Without a good day
Without an eclipse
Nobody helps me
Like I did to my little pussy
Give a hand to anyone
I saw a cat
Without the social life
Without a good day
Without an eclipse
Nobody helps me
Like I did to my little pussy
Give a hand to anyone
Anyone, anyone