<P><FONT color=#c709f7>i see green<BR>i see red<BR>i see blue<BR>i see black<BR>i see coffee on the table<BR>and our black and white photo<BR>and over the green mountain<BR>i can see all these rainbow<BR>lets sing a song in red<BR>lets sing a song in blue<BR>lets sing a song with colour in u<BR>lets sing a song in black<BR>without the rainbow<BR>i'd still sing a song with u<BR></FONT></P><EMBED pluginspage=http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer align=middle src=http://flash.awqq.net/flash/mp3/awqqplay102.swf?file=http://www.lele2005.com/music/song/colors.mp3&autoStart=yes&repeatPlay=no width=210 height=110 type=application/x-shockwave-flash QUALITY="high" WMODE="transparent" AUTOSTART="1" ALLOWNETWORKING="internal" ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS="never"></EMBED>